February 15, 2019

House to Rent
Metro NZ Property Management
Properties For Rent
Property Investment
Property Owners
Rental Property
Residential Tenancies Act
By: metronz
Information Retrieved from Stuff.co.nz; nzmethtesting.co.nz Landlords who forked out thousands are feeling duped after a government report busted the meth myth wide open. In a bombshell report issued on Tuesday, the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor Sir Peter Gluckman found there is no evidence of risk to humans from third hand exposure to houses where methamphetamine has been consumed. But the meth testing industry has slammed the report, calling the office of the PM's Chief Science Advisor "reckless".

After recent media and government attention on meth-testing in homes and rental properties I would like to give you my updated take on it all. Despite the current debate on the acceptable level, what we do know for sure is there is a point where meth contamination makes a property unsafe for habitation. Our top priority is, and will always be, supporting you, ensuring you have the resources you need to protect your clients against the commercial implications of methamphetamine, and you’re kept up-to-date with any changes that affect the services we provide.

For now, I’d like to share with you what we know for sure.

What we know for sure:

a)      Tenancy laws and bylaws still legally require landlords to provide tenants with a safe and habitable home; b)     The Tenancy Tribunal is still ruling to NZS 8510 (1.5 micrograms per 100cm2) until the standard has been reviewed; c)      There is no way of being able to distinguish between a contaminated and non-contaminated house, other than testing; d)     It can be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish between the manufacture or use of methamphetamine;

e)     The Real Estate Authority (REA) have now introduced altered methamphetamine disclosure obligations for those selling property; and

f)       Regional local authorities are still responsible for determining what level of contamination is appropriate for their respective areas and this is differing between regions. What does this all mean? Until the full review of methamphetamine safety levels within the meth-testing standard has been undertaken, and the regulations officially changed, we’ll continue to operate in line with NZS 8510 as the Tenancy Tribunal continues to rule to this standard. For further clarification on these matters and how they affect you, you can call us on 0800 34 34 33. We can assess your situation based on what your regional local authority is enforcing in your area, and whether you’re selling, buying, or renting property, provide you with the most appropriate and up-to-date testing advice and information. We are welcoming a process to confirm the acceptable level and the opportunity to review other ambiguous and contentious areas of the standard. At the end of the day, we believe that no landlord, tenant, potential purchaser or vendor should be left in a position that could have a significant financial, legal or health effect. As always, MTNZ provides standard-compliant, professional and effective meth contamination testing. Should meth-testing standards change, we’ll be quick to inform you.

Should you or your clients have any questions please feel free to call us on 0800 34 34 33.

Kind regards Nathaniel Hamilton CEO Meth Testing New Zealand [email protected]